We love when parents and family take an interest in their child‘s surfing experiences. However, children respond differently when parents are in eye view. We hope to reach your child in manner they will bring them safely out of their comfort zone to learn and create new relationship. We encourage parents and families to set up away from the camp as to not distract your surfer.
We provide surfboards and our wetsuits are on a first come first serve basis. If your camper has a wetsuit and surfboard we encourage them to bring and use them.
Camp is held in the rain, we only cancel in the rare case of lightning. If there is lightning during camp, we immediately secure the campers in the brick comfort station.
We can not predict the weather therefore we can not guarantee the weather or the surf will be ideal.
Please have your camper bring a beach towel, sunscreen, warn clothes, snacks and drinks. The campers take a daily field trip over to Cumberland Farms so provide spending money if its allowed they participate.
We added Day Drop Ins. We understand a week is a commitment to ”try” something new or fitting in everything we want to do on summer break becomes impossible, so upon availability we offer day registrations. Email
if you are looking for a specific week and it is not being shown, that means the week is already filled to capacity. Our website program autom hides it from view.
Realizing this is not an ideal situation and seeing as we cannot predict if there is going to be surf or not, we teach the campers on land surf technique and organize games such as pickleball, spikeball and at low tide capture the flag. We also do our best to keep campers off their technology. Please recognize downtime can be beneficial as well.
We want all campers to be engaged as possible please have the discussion of screen time at home. If you do not want your camper on their phone it is completely a personal matter and should be handled at a family level.
Sunscreen must be applied completely before arrival to camp and it is your campers responsibility to reapply before or after the trip to the store.